We're busy building this site, come on back in a few days.
How will you benefit from using TennisLineUp.com?
You will be able to:
Manage your team in one simple web-based location.
Accessible from work, home, anywhere!
Be assured that all of your team members can access your team information -
no plug-in's needed - no files to download.
Provide easy access to your schedule, facility directions, lineup - no more lost papers!
Post important announcements - rain delays, court availability, etc.
Send bulk emails to your team members. You can even send an email to all the team members automatically whenever you make a change to the roster or lineup, post an announcement, post results of matches, etc.
Send your scorekeeper and coordinator your scores or an email for questions.
Provide an easy access to your roster contact information.
See report statistics on where and with whom your players have played with and
how your team is doing.
Provide a communication forum via your Message Center for your team members to
coordinate practice times, team party arrangements, take votes on issues.
- Keep an optional record of seasons to compare records.